Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wow, my first blog. I feel like this is a milestone. I know I will make mistakes, but learning is what life is about. First off, I want to develop a solid definition of wellness in 1 or 2 sentences. Thus far I have one that I posted on twitter last night.

My working def. of WELLNESS "Wellness - the progressive harmony of body, mind and spirit toward a synergy of ones potential."

Obviously this needs some help, but I think it is a good start. Please respond with any ideas, keeping the desired length in mind.

A totally unique aspect of Wellness Chiropractic is that I am mobile and am for now available 24/7. I will continue to offer this until it either becomes too difficult or until I get some help from another DR. The costs of services will depend on the travel and also the time of day, a surcharge of $10 to $20 may be charged after 8 pm.

Another aspect that is growing among chiropractors is that I will not be taking insurance. The way it will work is that you as a patient would pay for services up front and then receive the service, with a receipt in the form of a super bill. This superbill can then be sent to your insurance where they will most likely reimburse you directly. This allows me to keep overhead down and be able to serve more clients and keep costs down.

I realize that this style of practice will not work for everyone. But the more I put into it, the more I can't wait to finally get started. It will allow much less time for you the client to be spent in an office. Also the more people that I serve at each stop, then the bigger the discount. I will also offer corporate clients a discount as well. This would allow you to get adjusted during a break at work and not have to make a special trip sometimes across town to see the chiropractor.

Previous clients will get a discount on their first treatment. The phone number posted is my cell phone, which means you will talk to me directly, and if I do not answer it probably I am with a client. Because I starting over in practice I can easily offer the 24/7 service and will do my best to be as reliable as possible during the more awkward hours.

Any questions or comments would be greatly appreciated. I would also greatly appreciate feedback on this relatively new format of health care for myself. Either put it into posts like this one, or communicate with me directly. I want to perfect mobile chiropractic.